Thursday, February 28, 2008

First post


My name is Kat and i'm in my third year of a law and arts degree. This is my first blog and I'm interested to see how this whole online community/class blogging thing works out. Have a great weekend, see you all in class.

1 comment:

Boa Kim said...

Hey, Kat.
I am Boa from coms205.

I just added you blog to my bloglink, and came to say hi.

I am a class rep for coms205, so if you have any issue to talk about, or need any help, you can conetact me through blog, or just email me. You can come and talk to me after class as well.
It would be great to see you , outside of this cyberscoeity thing.

well, have a great day and will see you in class.
