Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Internet, here , there, everywhere.

The internet is increasingly converging with reality. It can be accessed from almost anywhere and it has been suggested that it could become like electricity- everywhere and always on in the background. The internet is already something people have come to rely on and depend upon in their everyday lives. Perhaps in the future it will even become as important as electricity.
I think the idea of a ubiquitous/invisible internet is great. I already like the fact that i can access it from the comfort of my couch (as i am doing now). It would be great to be able to connect anywhere at any time, from any of the technological gadgets I carry around with me. Attributing the internet to a physical object could potentially restrict these endless possibilities. Internet television, whilst a seemingly good idea demonstrates the restrictions that embodying a particular technology in a physical thing can impose. Ultimately technology will only be used if the physical object it is hosted in is also geared to the mindset of the user and the purpose of the technology. The internet is arguably a technology that embodies the ideal of freedom of information and expression, I think it should also have freedom of form, at the moment it's form is generally that of a laptop, computer or cellphone. It would be cool if ipods could access the internet, you could download songs whilst you were shopping for example and then listen to them immediately. Rather than downloading them on your computer, transferring them to you ipod and then being able to listen to them.

I think it is a definite possibly that the internet will eventually be able to be accessed from anywhere. It needs to be easily accessible, from a wide range of objects so that as many people as possible will make use of it. If specialised device is needed to access it, it may not be successful, if it is expensive. However, if it is affordable for the majority of the population then more people will use it.

The killer app of going moblie? I cannot answer that. But as far as my tipping point goes regarding the cost benefit equation, I think that the benefits need to be quite a lot larger than the costs. I need to feel that a great expense to myself initially will be worth it in the future for the benefits i will receive. Where exactly the line is drawn depends on a case by case basis.

I think convergence is a positive thing, but needs to be approached with an open mind to make the most of the possibilities.


sophie said...

i agree as i said in my blog the benfits definitly need to outway the cost!

LaurenHagan said...

i definitely agree about internet becoming as 'mainstream' as simple things such as electricity!