Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Online Self

Todays lecture really got me thinking about my online self and whether it is in fact any different form my off line self. Having pondered this I have come to the conclusion that they are almost exactly the same. I am one of those people who are pretty truthful about themselves online. I could make up a new persona if I wanted to, but the reality is I'm happy with the one I've got. So when I pose as me online, you do pretty much get the 'real me', I do edit and omit certain things, but that is more for safety and security reasons.

I have heard of MMORPG's before and know a few people who are die-hard warhammer players. I have never actually played any of these games myself, they have just never held much of an interest for me. Although, I do think that if i got into them I would be hooked. I like the sound of second life, that is the type of MMORPG I probably would play. I do think that reality and virtual reality are becoming augmented, but I had no idea it was to such an extent or that virtual economies were so profitable. I have to say finding this fact out this morning did make me feel a little naive as to the world of virtual realities and communities out there. But I am learning and this paper has certainly opened my eyes to a whole new world accessible through my computer. I can definitely see why people become so involved in these games and if I were to use them it would be for socializing purposes, I guess playing the game would be a bonus. Anyways I'm off to discover more about this world I have been missing out on.
See you in class :)

1 comment:

Michaela said...

Hey Kat, I totally agree with you in regards to being naïve about the world of virtual realities…Yeah I have a Facebook account but I suppose it’s something I just take for granted as a means of communication with friends and family. I was never really one to click onto technological trends straight away, I remember when the ‘Nintendo’ came out when I was young and it took my brother and I a few years before we started venturing into the ‘gaming’ world and actually purchased on (or I think it was given one for Xmas) … even then it was only to play 2 player with our friends!!! I wonder with all these virtual advancements if I will end up participating in virtual gaming and communities in a big way?…The fact that big companies now have presences in the virtual community ‘Second Life’ says a lot for where not only the world of business is heading but also ‘reality’ is heading too…Maybe the future will see us all living life online!!! Something to ponder on…